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Orders to Enforce Terms of Divorce and Other Agreements
After a divorce is finalized and the court has sorted through issues of child support, alimony, and child custody, you would think that things would run smoothly as per the orders of the court. Unfortunately, this is sometimes not the case and other avenues are needed to compel a former spouse to comply with court decrees. If you are in the position of failing to receive support or visitation rights that are owed to you, contact Ohana Legal.
One of the most common ways of enforcing a child support or spousal support order is through an income levy or income deduction order. These income executions may be issued by a creditor's attorney, sheriff, court clerk or support collection unit, but the debtor must always be given a fair chance to correct the issue before the order is executed. In the end, the ultimate enforcement method against a delinquent spouse is a contempt proceeding, which can land the spouse in jail if he or she has been willfully violating the court's orders.
Ohana Legal: Hawaii Enforcement and Compliance Lawyers
Failure to meet the terms of court orders can have serious and unwanted consequences. If you need assistance with an enforcement matter, Ohana Legal will be there for you. Contact a Hawaii divorce lawyer immediately if you are in need of assistance with the enforcement of a divorce order such as child or spousal support.
Enforcement of Orders